A Step-By-Step Roadmap To Success
A leadership forum
This leadership forum is specifically developed to facilitate passionate performance and to inspire individuals towards quantum improvement in all areas of their lives, professionally, personally and holistically.
“An unexamined life isn’t really worth living!”
– Socrates
The core philosophy skill sets that have underpinned what we will term, “Effective Leadership” throughout the eons has not changed.
However, in our modern world of work and constant change, a new paradox has emerged. Individuals and companies alike aspire towards higher ideals, there exists a need where individuals are able to challenge their sense of purpose, where their personal values require recognition in the workplace, and where visionary leaders are able to attract and maintain dynamic team members who strive to align their personal goals, aspirations and visions with those of the organisations in which they work. In essence it adds substance and provides meaning to their work.
So what is this new paradox called “FACILITATIVE LEADERSHIP”
Facilitative Leadership is an acquirable skill-set that when harnessed will allow effective leaders to create, action, articulate and facilitate a vision for their organisations future. In general terms such a vision is a values driven blue print for their organisations future success.
We argue therefore that the fundamental task of today’s leaders is to prime a sense of good feeling in those that they lead. This occurs when a leader creates resonance – a reservoir of positivity that frees up the best in the organisations people. Fundamentally then, the primal job of leadership is to evoke positive emotion.
A customised 1 – 2 day forum with follow up visits to your workplace giving support to attendees and maximising long-term results.
The below forum content are examples may be added to or changed dependant on the size of the organisation and needs of the organisation.
Create / re-visit and align organisational values
‘Values’ – What are they? Where do they come from? How do the individual and the company benefit from understanding, articulating and living their values? These are key questions in beginning to understand the issue of values and their relevance in the workplace. Our simple interpretation of VALUES is: “Values are ones principles or standards of personal behaviour; ones judgments of what is valuable or important in life.”
Visionary Leaders
Great leaders move us. They ignite our passion and inspire the best in us. When we try to explain why they are so effective, we speak of strategy, vision, or powerful ideas. But the reality is much more primal: Great leadership works through the effective use and management of emotions, their own and those with whom they serve. This form of servant leadership delivers inspirational and lasting outcomes. The bottom line is, no matter what leaders set out to do – whether it’s creating a new strategy or mobilising their teams to action – their success depends on how they do it.
Relationship Management
The triad of self-awareness, self-management and empathy all come together in the final Emotional Intelligence competency; that is relationship management. Here we find the most visible tools of leadership – persuasion, conflict management and collaboration being among them. Managing relationships skilfully boils down to handling other people’s emotions. This, in turn, demands that leaders be aware of their own emotions and attuned with empathy to the people they lead.
EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE is a key competency of facilitative Leadership. There are four domains of Emotional Intelligence – self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management, each adds a crucial set of skills for resonant leadership What emotional resources do leaders need to thrive amidst today’s barrage of business chaos and turbulent change? What gives a leader the inner strength to be brutally honest about every painful self-truth?
The Power of your "Belief System" Come on you may be asking, do my beliefs really have that much impact and power over my behaviours? I would respond with an emphatic “yes!”. As depicted above your beliefs are the driving force behind your behaviours. Beliefs send powerful messages to your brain that affect your actions. Your beliefs will in most circumstances cause you to do one of two things: • Be fearful and retreat; or • Be empowered and ACT Learn about about "Human Belief System" and changing ingrained beliefs.
Self Awareness
Simply put, self-awareness means having a deep understanding of one’s emotions, as well as one’s strengths and limitations and one’s values and motives. People with strong self-awareness are realistic – neither overly self-critical nor naively hopeful. Rather, they are honest with themselves about themselves. And they are honest about themselves with others, even to the point of being able to laugh at their own mess-ups. Self-aware leaders also understand their values, goals and dreams. They know where they’re headed and why. They’re often very intuitive and attuned to what “feels right”.
Time Management
Time management is all about CLARIFYING YOUR PRIORITIES. Time management has three basic components, these are: • Establishing your priorities. • Using realistic scheduling and programming. • Learning to make effective decisions and acting upon them.
Goal Setting
It is difficult for anyone to attain a degree of success or to achieve any worthwhile goal/vision without first having a crystallised purpose towards which she or he is working. One must have some objective or goal clearly in mind. This is the first step to success in any endeavour you undertake. Goal-setting generates tremendous power! Why? Because when you have clearly defined visions and goals, you not only work on your goal, but at the same time your goals begin to work on you.
Action and planning go hand in hand in facilitative leadership. Without planning, there is no direction or objective, therefore action will give an inconsistent result. Without action, plans slowly turn to ashes, as the fire of enthusiasm burns itself out. But together, proper planning, visionary leadership and purposeful action lead inevitably to a more successful career.
EXCELLENCE - leading the new organisation
The new, post corporate, organisation that encourages “FACILITATIVE LEADERSHIP” usually typifies the following characteristics: • Has evolved to deal with new era’s of change; • Reflects broader patterns of social change and understanding; • Has a radically different pattern of organisational structure; • Has a subtly different corporate culture; • Requires a new, strategic and entrepreneurial mindset; and • Is employee focussed, not manager focused.