A curent set of financials including P & L and Balance Sheet | | | |
A Financial Management Plan | | | |
Cash-Flow Forecasting Tools | | | |
An appropriate Accounting Software package eg (MYOB) | | | |
An Actionable Business Plan ie: A SWOT Analysis | | | |
A Risk Management Plan including all insurances | | | |
A Strategic / Operations Plan outlining Key Business Priorities | | | |
A Succession Plan / Exit Strategy | | | |
A Workforce Development Plan / Strategy | | | |
A Marketing Plan | | | |
A Policy and Procedures Manual | | | |
Staff / Employee / Contractor Handbook | | | |
Process or Workflow Procedure Documents | | | |
Job Descriptions / Duty Statements for all employees | | | |
Proformas for Service Agreements / Contracts | | | |
Templates for writing tenders and grant applications | | | |
A CRM...Which one, how effective is it? | | | |
A Forms Register | | | |
A File Location / Management System | | | |
A Performance Review / Management Tool | | | |
A Functional Website / Social Media Plan | | | |
A regular Client Communications Tool / Newsletter | | | |
A clearly defined Business Development / Sales Strategy | | | |
A Formal Mentor / Coach / Support Network | | | |
Professional Memberships & Business Networks | | | |
Do YOU attend Professional Development Seminars? | | | |
Do you have a client satisfaction - Testimonials BRAG Book - Web Referrals? | | | |